Poland. A land, and people, of fierce nationalism and defender of Europa.
Kosciuszko was a noble young man who fought for liberty in Poland and then for American Independence. Roman Dmovski was a great statesman for Poland during its long struggle with surrounding empires, who helped give modern Poland its identity and freedom.
Our host Magnus and Pavel are joined by Polish historian ‘Ogar’ to pay tribute to the Polish warriors and statesmen. Za nasza i wasza wolnosc! For Freedom, yours and ours.

Alls hows also available on Telegram. https://t.me/GreatMenOfOurHistory
The thieves are proud of “modern Poland“, mostly comprised of stolen, illegally occupied lands.
PRUSSIA, POMERANIA, SILESIA are not Polish lands, never have been.
You think the Polish people deserve being rewarded for your Polish governments’ CONSPIRACY WITH THE CITY OF LONDON DEEP STATE DEVILS?
For Conspiring with the Satanists to foment Germany’s totally undeserved humiliation at Versailles, in 1919 creating the Polish-German conflict to kick off WWII, in 1939! The British and Polish governments (both in service to the Zionist Jews) are guilty of provoking Hitler’s invasion into West Prussia, stolen in 1919, Zionist Diktat of Versailles, since then falsely called “Poland“ – where
Thousands of German villagers (men, women and children) were massacred, tortured to death in the cruellest way by Poles in cahouts with Jews, to drive them off of their homeland! As always putting all the blame on the Germans! Those “evil Nazis – how dare they defending themselves!”
You think you can get away with all the Evil done to them for ever? – You should know better: There is no blessing on ill gotten goods. Christians who make a DEAL WITH THE DEVIL are not Christians any more.
The mindset of arrogant thieves, rapists, murderers is something to deeply detest & hate.
And rest assured – I do not care if you hate the bluntness. It is called honesty. We should all know where we stay. – TOO MUCH – IS SIMPLY TOO MUCH. What has been done to the Germans is MUCH WORSE than “brutal German honesty” could ever be.
I’m sorry it happened this way – I really am, if it was up to me I’d try some other way if possible. Not only for the pain that it must have caused to your people, but also for the whole cascade of negative consequences to our entire continent, and for what happened to my country – the Poland that exists now is a puppet state ruled by second and third grade janissaries who despise the nation. It sinks my my heart to see my people completely brainwashed, demoralized and degraded. But next time when you actively participate in an attempt at vanishing a middle sized European country and nation out of existence (because this is what you Germans did), please make a mental note to yourselves that they might not be that picky about the precise circumstances of how to re-establish the country and at whose expense it happens. Please understand I’m not being sarcastic or mean on purpose. The perspective changes dramatically when you are fighting for your very existence and I suspect that it doesn’t need explaining to anyone White in 2024.
pjm77 – thank you very much for your thoughtful reply –
I have wondered if it could have been possible to include the Polish military in the COMMON FIGHT on their part of the eastern front… against the Jewish Communists who had taken over Russia in 1917. Can you imagine a Polish government at the time joining in together with those of the WHITE RUSSIAN ARMY who wanted to take back and save their homeland Russia from the RED TERROR Communists ravaging their beloved Russia and Russian people?
I would like the thought that Hitler would have tried to include the Poles in this COMMON EUROPEAN CAUSE. Traditionally this would have been the right thing to do and try – The Poles would have fought for a sovereign Poland, and an occupation and “vanishing” of Poland a transitory state of affairs, of course.
Too idealistic to think of such a scenario? National Socialist Germany was in a fight for survival… its very existence… and the Polish government at the time had conspired with Germany’s worst enemies… So, what else could they have done other than punishing the conspirators in the harshest way? As always, it is the people who suffer most, on all sides.