Editor’s Note: So, normally I wouldn’t publish something like this, since it’s just a nasty diatribe. However, I feel that, given the division in our community lately, it’s only fair to let these sorts of guys have their say, since it’s a common sentiment. Sorry, Roscoe, but I had to let the haters go all out, just this once.
If you had asked me five years or even three years which member of the “Dissident Right” (a term he invented) was the most rugged, determined, and inspiring, it would have been Roscoe Jones. I have listened to his podcast, Exodus Americanus, since it debuted on The Right Stuff, and listening to his exploits in the face of calamity and vicissitude would at times propel me to face my own Dragon.
Something happened years back though, that at the time I sensed was subversive, but seemed unimportant to think about and that was when he broke (what I now in my wisdom know) a very serious border, and that was when a girl was allowed to board the houseboat. When that happened, I still continued to listen intently to the show, and still enjoyed it considerably, but I would come to realize that this fact marked a very serious decline in Roscoe’s fortitude, that has culminated in me noticing several distinctions between the old Roscoe and the new Roscoe that I will now express.
- Old Roscoe quit giving sensible political commentary, and instead focused on the battles worth fighting. New Roscoe cares about a (now thoroughly debunked) assassination attempt on a man who has more in common with Joe Biden than him.
- Old Roscoe had Walrus as his first mate, who practiced stoicism and semen retention, and was immune to the charms of strumpets. New Roscoe has Luffy, who is unable to keep harlots in line, and exemplifies the decline of the show by being the mirror opposite of Walrus physically (Walrus is 6’5 and almost 300 lbs and Luffy is 4’11 and 120 lbs).
- Old Roscoe used to have coitus with women to crash at their places and eat their food, New Roscoe is simping on some dumb girl and thinking about marriage.
I was curious to see if the rumors were true about Roscoe’s secret telegram group, that it is the place to go for help with your DIY stuff from the most handy, rugged and knowledgeable exosphere in the dissident right, and I am not disappointed in that regard (also Fair Use is there who used to give an incredible segment on Exodus Americanus), but what I find alarming is that the greatest minds are amassed in one place and there is no apparent great status changing plan, no position to for the liberation of mankind, all I hear from Roscoe on his show regarding that is the same song of the boomer “I’m glad I bought a house when I did because all of you younger guys are screwed” and it’s sickening to me.
Maybe it’s a tale as old as time, a hero struggling on the no man’s land facing the complete forces of chaos and anarchy, with Order on his back, holding the line, starts eating too good, getting fat and old and finding a woman who he gets carnal knowledge of, but is also useful to him, now finds reluctance in the idea of facing the tough opponents he once faced. The Boxer who is crowned king, and no longer wants to get punched in the face.
On a larger level, I write this article to point out a trend I see, which is that the dissident right doesn’t really have any cool or adventurous heroes left. I can check The Right Stuff and see nothing entertaining or inspiring, and I can look at Amerikaner and it’s slightly better content, (Editor’s Note: This hurt my feelings) and it’s a real shame because we have so many good people in the dissident right.
I hope things change, but doubt they will.
I’m going to pour my soul out here. Life is extremely hard and it only gets more difficult as we go along. Consistency is among the most difficult pursuits regardless of the focus. Ask Gordon, he can’t mange to get a regular show out despite having the easiest platform to cover (current events) and Magnus doing the heavy lifting. I may share your feelings about Roscoe’s changes, perhaps adaptations is a better term, but I recognize that a man does what he must to continue pushing on through greater and greater adversity. There are two ways to look at this in regards to Ex/Am. The first is he could have just shut the show down when it began to waver in it’s initial mission. The second is what he chose, which is to recognize that after many staff changes it was now a cult of personality and most of the guys tuned in to spend time with Roscoe and continue on delivering that product. There were many other options if fans wanted to hear WNs cover current events. Consider the current state of the Daily Shoah as a counter point. It’s both a cult of personality but also more focused than ever in it’s mission to expose Jewish power, and it’s utterly unlistenable. So boring and repetitive, the hosts bicker, and there is no underlying hope. So that niched path also has it’s pitfalls. And selling hope has a very short shelf life when it fails to deliver. Personally I began listening less enthusiastically to Ex/Am the more Christianity crept onto the Houseboat. Jesus just isn’t for me. But the Roscoe who I shared so much in common with as a rogue still was. We liked so many of the same entertainment products from years past, had similar stories, a taste for adventure, it was like having a friend. And I used to have a lot. Today I have zero. Perhaps he realized what Mike did too late, that he was not born to be the leader of a political movement but could serve his purpose in a more humble role. So he chose that path, which is actually much more difficult than giving up and for that Roscoe deserves a lot of credit. He perseveres. Despite doxxing, divorce, single parenthood, job and housing challenges, and being a nexus for emails from sad and lonely men searching for guidance, he keeps going and giving what he has to this community. It isn’t perfect, but what are any of us doing that comes close? I’m certainly not ding anything of merit anymore and probably never will again.
As far as the movement on the whole is concerned, yes, it’s at a low point again. 2016 was a participation movement and the memes flowed because we all took part anonymously. There was a great energy in seeing your OC reposted, and brainstorming on message boards and FB groups, raiding, disseminating, spreading the momentum. Hell it was even fun getting banned and making new accounts and tracking down all your buddies again. Then guys got doxxed and chose to monetize, claiming as much of the space as they could and acting like they were the sole brain trust of the memetics we had all created together (TRS especially) and continued farming content from unacknowledged fans, and by taking credit for creativity destroyed the communal spirit of the anon culture. Sven in particular deserves nothing but contempt for the negative energy he brought into this thing. Did Roscoe ever do that? I cannot tell you how many times TRS personalities absorbed my OC without ever even saying a word. What I got for it all in the end was the FBI at my door. Well, that was actually Anglin who did that to me. And all the things I liked about the movement and TRS as a central platform where we could get everything from Hate House to a history lesson was ruined because it became a downloads competition and bickering over money. Spectre, however, is similar to Roscoe in focus and perseverance and Third Rail has been very good lately. The new Irish guy is hilarious and brings a great vibe to the show. So things CAN turn around if you don’t give up.
But most of us do give up. Remember that.
Sooner or later we all have to take a personal inventory and face the reality of who we really are vs who we thought we were. We will reach an age where it’s too late to reach our potential, and that moment can be the end for a lot of men. For me that happened on the Jiu-Jitsu mats. Age got me. And then depression. And what age had not taken from my body depression took from my memory and mind. And the hardest thing I had pursued the longest in my life became a living nightmare just shy of the goal. I still consider suicide every single day because a man who has lived more than half his natural life, has no children, does not experience love, and knows his best years are behind him can only look at the world we are headed into and unless he has true purpose no one can blame him for not being too excited about tomorrow. I do not experience joy, my wife got rich and has no respect for me now that she has seen me fail, I was the captain of my life and once an inspiring leader of men and now I’m just along for a ride I don’t even want to be on. People will say get involved with your community. Volunteer. Etc. But what if you are one of us and your community is a stronghold of LGBTQ churches, BLM signs, and RBG murals? What if you leave your house every day and have to look at a fucking George Floyd statue? Well, at least your internet personalities are there for you. Like Roscoe, week after week who comes on the air as a human being rather than a news reporter to make you feel a little less alone.
Brothers in Christ how can two of you downvote this man? So black pilling.
For me I see “Ex/Am got worse when Christianity began “””creeping onto””” the Houseboat. Jesus just isn’t for me.” and I downvote on the spot. I’m what you might call a reactionary.
You’re what I would call a hypocrite. But that’s typical from the religious right. If your religion had even a scrap of validity it wouldn’t have been so easily conquered and converted into a factory that produces the worst of the very sins it was founded to combat. If you can drive down a city street and see all the rainbow flags hanging from the Churches and still believe in a Christian God you’re just a retard and I cannot help you.
How could anyone downvote what you said. I understand and I agree, my opinion of hosts on the different shows on the different platforms is irrelevant. I have noticed a few people or lets say a certain individual on another platform that I am sure would say it’s an act or a character he is performing and it’s mostly all irony. It’s getting very caustic and toxic and I don’t bother even beginning to mention it or address it because of course I will be the asshole, and Jewish and homosexual, so yeah.
I tend to agree in principle on the opinions and commentary on the way white people, especially older white people think. I have evolved but I used to be a lot like the people this person shits on, plus I do support the Arab or Palestinian struggle against the Jews I just don’t want to hear about it every time I listen, I do not have any solidarity with them per se unless they are Christian, also Maduro in Venezuela is a piece of shit and so are Venezuelans and I don’t want them here.
Anyway my point here is that individual evolved as well, but he has gotten worse. I used to enjoy listening to Roscoe and still do sometimes but we are all getting older and you know what I have a life and responsibilities. Just because a guy doesn’t say jew and negro while shitting all over the only country I have to live in (that is in very dire straits) but I worry about this country not listening to the same content every day since October 7, 2023, I am not Jewish or Arab, but I do have kids to feed.
I was thinking the other night about how people are spergs and complain about and literally get stuck on one thing somebody does or doesn’t say, or the same topic. Full disclosure here I do understand and agree but I would ask people learn how to take yes for an answer and move on. I know I just kind of sperged out but not really. I think people need to understand something I have often questioned, are the content creators entertainers or are they leaders, voices of a movement whatever that means. I would say to some people, tone down the rhetoric about how much distain and dislike you have for rural white Christians, or normal white people who are republicans. He would tell me to go and have autoerotic fornication, fuck those people and me if I don’t like it, I must be a Jew. The answer is he and others are entertainers not a leader, example or a voice of anything other than a niche podcast audience. They are cool and intelligent people unlike people like my parents or neighbor and people I work with.
I get it, I care, but I also understand that people parrot what they have been taught, we all drank from a fire hose of lies before we got here. So, I suspect there is no real attempt at changing any minds and the only value any of this has is passing the time being entertained in between the rancor and hostility. I am not upset it’s just an observation, but you know there will be people who are mad at me, we need to learn to respect each other and get along we have more in common than not, not everyone will say nigger and jew every other word, and not everything is irony, and sometimes you aren’t the coolest guy on the internet.
I am not being ironic but he has been very bad lately to the point where I think he is losing his shit, I know, I know everyone he just upset he has to deal with the stupid white Americans he refers to constantly when he isn’t praising Hezbollah and Maduro in Venezuela.
I almost didn’t re-up my membership last time due to them doing the same show every day since 10/7/23.
When I first checked out Amerikaner.org, I listened to Exodus Americanus and immediately concluded that this website was for the grugs—people without two brain cells to rub together. Ironically enough, about half the content on here is quite the opposite. There are serious podcasts about politics and religion alongside the less serious ones. This manner of low brow criticism makes sense for Exodus’ audience , but it wasn’t the criticism that I expected.
My brother in Christ, the average audience member is too autistic for this kind of satire
Bravo, tho. Bravo
(Roscoe inviting a girl on the show was pretty gay tho)
Damn, groypers post opinion pieces here?
ROSCOE JONES. Please never change, brother, and never remain the same. EXODUS ANERICANUS FOREVER.
Typo. Dammit
Fuck this editorial piece. First, let me just say that I personally only listen to Exodus Americanus on a rare occasion because the professional wrestling content is not my bag (bores me to tears.) However, I would never write an article about how Exodus sucks because wrestling sucks. I simply ignore it and move on, like an adult. What kind of emotional retard writes a short essay rebuking a man’s personal choices on how he lives his life? Because that is what this is; a no name faggot sitting in judgment of someone who is living life and giving his all, and sharing it with the world- for free.
OP’s kind of entitled narcissim has been plaguing the far right since 2015 at least. How fucking dare you nobodies criticize people who do 1000x what you have ever done to help our people. It is the rationale of an eleven-year-old mama’s boy.
I finally get why Seventh Son has become such a bitter asshole on his show. Ten years of dealing with ineffectual ankle biters like OP here. If you like it, keep listening. If you don’t, don’t listen, but SHUT THE FUCK UP.
Gordon, bro, you fell for a Hasbara troll. If not, if you actually know OP here, you might wanna change that. Lose his contact info. He is a toxic douchebag of the highest order. The prevalence of this type of arrogant, bossy dweeb makes me want to give up on white people.
Lastly, when Roscoe reads this, and he will, he is going to want a physical fight with dick-sucking OP. If he challenges you to a fight OP, as is his right, you better accept. If you run like the coward you are, write a follow up article about why you are such a faggot and why you find cocks so tasty.
Now that all the irrelevant stuff has been discussed, I’ll get into the important matter and most egregious lie of this opinion piece; Walrus ain’t 6’5.