In this week’s episode, SuperLutheran and Myles are joined by friend of the show Theo to dive deeper into the Book of Enoch. We go extra long again, so stick around, so stick around for emails after the two content segments.
Are Jews the chosen people of God? No:
Age of Ruin: From the Ashes:
The first of what I hope to be many entries in a science fiction universe both by and for /ourguys/.
Things we talked about during the show:
The Book of Enoch:
The “Orange Curriculum:”
The break music for this episode is break is Veni Creator Spiritus:
Second break music is Convivium:
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Myles and Super can be found improving timelines on the Fediverse here:
Pugnus Pastorem
The guy who wasn’t into the whole going to church bit was reasonable since he simply has other priorities going on. Dropping the whole faith pretense and just talking with church people about doing deals or form groups is also an option. Some people are just not into religion and that’s fine, both church and WN types can just benefit from each other in order to reach goals they can agree on.
Oh and I’m at the point of not even blaming anyone assimilating into the long nose tribe since they are the winning team. Yes it’s a dick move but what else can you expect from 99% of people if they get into a position of doing something out of pure self-interesst.