Bad magazines, boat questions, and fun times with hand grenades all on this laid back installment of The Smoke Pit, definitely one of the podcasts of all time.
#Do you “Smoke Pit“ guys ever talk about what really matters?
Geopolitics – the truth about what is really going on – The true enemy – The fatal role the US military keeps playing – Always fighting the wrong enemy – The insights you have got – What you have learnt – Nothing there? – Nothing at all?
Are you really as delusional? Non-sensical. Irrational. Yes, exactly – that’s how you sound!
Are you guys really not aware of how stupid that monotonous singing sounds? Self-celebrating pseudo-heroism? About “fighting without fear”? Who did you fight? WHO?
Armies – on a level field? You did not, never. You have fought women and children! Defenceless civilians! And Muslim men who had to resort to guerilla tactics – trying to drive you out – Good for them. It’s called self-defense.
Your position is a lost cause – What is there to be proud about? Totally unjustifiable – a bad joke! The US military – the epitome of non-thinking morons – “Yes, sir!” types – giving the genocidal Jews all the wars they want to have… “Military men are stupid animals used as pawns in foreign politics!” Henry Kissinger, war criminal, now burning in hell –
Is it really possible that after all this time… US veterans are still not aware that you had no business at all to invade Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and whatever Muslim country (and there are more on the Zionist wish list) – and continental Europe for that matter either – BAD WARS – ALL OF THEM.
The TERROR the US-British soldiers have inflicted on Muslim civilian populations created the refugees (real rapefugees and fake asylum seekers), and the pretense for flooding Europe with millions of enemy invaders – US-BRITISH TERROR over decades has created the ISLAMIST TERROR now ravaging all white western Christian countries…
Hopefully, none of you US veterans from the “Smoke Pit” were among the gang rapists over there in the Muslim countries – Muslim terrorists are now bringing all kinds of terror attacks and gang rapes into the white European nations – bringing back the worst memories of “allied” WW2 atrocities –
Whoever creates hell for others deserves hell!!! – It’s called justice.
How dare you still poking fun…
The terror the US-British “allied” military – in service to the demons from hell – have brought about all these countries and peoples for over a hundred years… is beyond words. HOW DARE YOU!!!
And now – Go on censoring what you cannot bear listening to
You should expect every decent woman leashing out at what is the most disgusting
Expect being totally ignored – at best.
Nobody cares. Also Germany fucked around and found out.
“Let’s declare war on the United States, a country we have no means to actually fight, as we are losing the battle of Moscow”
I ain’t reading all of that
I’m happy for you tho
Or sorry it happened
Thank you Jack for showing your understanding, making a humane gesture – most rarely happening – If you don’t like reading – maybe, you’ll enjoy listening more
Ba’al Busters – The Demons Bombed Heaven