Editor’s Note: This is the second part of Mr. Massey’s submission, “Towards a New American People: Learning Our History, Learning Your Place”. More will be coming, we have been told!
Lets assume our history is exactly as we learned it, back when we were just good White boys, growing up in our American public schools. This curriculum is sure to instill a certain concept with in everyone I believe, and that is the concept of freedom. Freedom is a very loose term when you really try to hammer down what it actually means. Sure, I can go almost anywhere in the country if I wanted to, and I could do it at any time. So I must be free, right?
If you come out of the left, pointing out that Americans aren’t free isn’t a very novel idea, but nonetheless it’s true. That being said, the left rarely continues from there in any positive way. Normally the idea of freedom is little more than an excuse for their selfish and entitled lifestyles. However, if you come from the right, you probably have idealized the concept of freedom to one degree or another without realizing what freedom can really mean.
But what does it mean? That is where most discussions about freedom break down, and it won’t take long until someone comes along with some drivel about ‘age of consent laws’ or ‘nonviolent offenders’. That is why I think it’s important for us to throw the whole idea out, and most people reading this probably have already. But in a crumbling empire and a country about to see its first government fall, it is important to guide our people away from the useless notions freedom give us. These notions are what lead White people to believe they can defend themselves against a Black assailant, or try and apprehend a jogging robbery suspect, without having their lives end, either at the hands of the empowered Black man, or the federal justice system and its eagerly applied hate-crime legislation.
This is, as always, much easier said than done. For many of our people, it will not be possible to undo the amount of brainwashing and trauma that the post war regime has wrought. But every one of us knows that one person. That guy who doesn’t do politics, but he gets it. At least, you think he does.
That guy has his freedom blinders on. He can work if he can get a job, he can go anywhere if he can afford it, and he has an infinite amount of choices when it comes to products he would like to buy. He can even signal his virtues from time to time, which is something all White people enjoy doing, so long as they don’t have to risk much. When you’ve been wearing them all your life, those blinders can really make you feel like you can see it all.
You see, freedom becomes meaningless when you realize how controlled it is, and the blinders have been removed. When you realize the meaningless slogans come and go, you pay attention to the degradation of the discourse in America. ‘No taxation without representation’ becomes ‘Let’s go Brandon’ in less than 300 years. Thank god we had the freedom to do that, and that’s just the beginning. ‘Go west, young man, and grow up with the country’ became ‘You have to go to college’ within 200 years. ‘Speak softly and carry a big stick’ and ‘the buck stops here’…I shudder to think of what that could mean nowadays, and all I can say is ‘I know it when I see it’.
So how should the TRULY ENLIGHTENED onlooker think of freedom? There was a point in my life when I thought doing drugs was freedom. At another point in my life, I thought going to college would be freedom. At an even dumber point in my life, I thought freedom was saying ‘nigger’. But unfortunately, I never became truly free, despite my best efforts.
I think the hardest thing White Americans will ever have to accept is that freedom is not the ability to choose between Coke and Pepsi. It isn’t the liberty to go to LITERALLY ANY house of worship, or to have discretion in what school your kids go to, and it getting to choose between an elephant and a jackass.
Freedom is a concept that seems to be reserved specifically to race in the American empire. Freedom is the thing White people have been maliciously lording over Blacks for generations. Freedom is the ability for any one, from anywhere, to come to where you live, and if you don’t like your new neighbor’s behavior, then YOU’RE the one who doesn’t understand freedom. See how this works?
So then, what happens to a population of newly bred Europeans who’ve been fed this freedom for a couple centuries? From the results of the American experiment, you get slow roll pedophilia and mandatory acceptance of butt sex. Mix it up with a little bit of ethnic sadomasochism and a drug problem, and when you put it like that, freedom starts to seem like you were sold a bill of goods.
However, it doesn’t have to always be a lie. Freedom, like so many other ideas, is a part of who we are, and whether we like it or not, it always will be. Sure, that could always lead us into the Aids infested ball pit dumpster fire we have now, but it could also lead us to incredible heights. The key to all of it understands that freedom is a responsibility, and responsibility should only be given to those who have shown themselves capable of handling such burdens.
In America today, we should stand with the Whites who want freedom, but we should also be sure to call it out as a lie when given the chance. Especially in the post-covid environment, where the cry for freedom is louder than ever among the Euro-mutt that is the Amerikaner, we need to make it clear how little somewhat impolite requests for freedom will do for us, in the current situation. The freedom of bodily autonomy is the red line of an oppressed people. Asking your government to be allowed to open your business so you can make a living wage, this is the protest of an occupied population.
Almost every normal White person in America will admit, if they know they’re talking to safe ears that the media is anti-white. Some may even acknowledge that the government seems to hate White people. Almost any average IQ American will say you can be racist towards White people in America.
We need to make our liberty-minded brothers and sisters realize, crying to be free to make a choice is meaningless. Perhaps make them see freedom is something that only has meaning with a collective aspect attached. It doesn’t matter if you have the freedom to choose, as choice is something given to you by the system. If the system has been designed to disregard your ability to create your own options, fighting for choices is pointless. What’s more, if the system is decidedly against your existence, there’s no point in appealing to freedom at all.