A clear demonstration of the slippery slope in action
Last year, I wrote a piece for April Fool’s Day called “The Conservative Case for Pedophilia”, that while satirical, warned of what is rapidly coming to pass here in the West. In the year since then, while there has been a rising pushback against this small, intolerant, and increasingly violent segment of our population, I still hear conservatives and others ostensibly on the right making such milquetoast statements as:
“You can call yourself whatever you want, use whatever pronouns, just leave me and my kids alone.”
“This is America, we’re not about hate. We don’t want trans people dead, we just don’t think that junk should be forced on our kids.”
It has only been just under eight years since the U.S. Supreme Court imposed same sex marriage on America by judicial fiat, and 22 years since the Netherlands was the first nation to make this legal on April 1st of 2001. In less than one generation’s time, we have gone from a society that, while imperfect, at least held to some human traditions going back thousands of years, to one that has, in many cases, criminalized thoughts and ideals that just a few years or so ago were considered mainstream. In sum, we have to realize as a society the following:
The slippery slope was indeed real, and very few average Americans and no one in any position of power in our modern society is willing to stand up against this rapid march towards pedophilia.
I’ve discussed before the reasons behind this fear and apprehension. Part of it is due to not wanting the media, employers, friends, or family to label you as a bad person; another part is the illogical idea that if you just want to be left alone, people you dislike will leave you alone. Spoiler alert: they won’t – and you’re seeing that clear as day over the last few years, and especially in the last week with a transgender shooting up a Christian school in Nashville.
By the time you read this article, the “Trans Day of Vengeance” will have been accomplished on the 31st.

How many counter protestors showed up to those events in DC and in other places around the nation? How many parents put their faces and names out there, risking their future livelihoods for the sake of the safety and sanity of their own children? How many violent trans protestors were arrested, prosecuted, or halted by the authorities or individuals as a result of their crimes that day?
How many more children or adults will be assassinated by mentally ill monsters who are not asking for your acceptance but rather now demanding your compliance at the barrel of a gun?

The simple fact is, now is the time we need to see a massive and unified pushback against these groups. Regardless of your views on how they should be dealt with ultimately, the fact remains that no one in power is willing to do even the bare minimum to protect our kids and our society.
Sure, you see plenty of recent headlines about outlawing this or that book, ending pediatric genital mutilations, changing school curricula to eliminate sexual content for younger ages. You may even think this is enough – it is not.
Interestingly enough, the trans movement considers these actions “genocidal”, and maybe in a way they are right. Since without the force of government to corrupt and indoctrinate ever-younger populations into irreparably damaging their bodies in grotesque ways before they are old enough to vote or even to understand the ramifications of these “treatments” – the trans movement will be unable to bring in as many converts. Likewise, the transgender medical industry will cease to make obscene profits off these so-called “gender affirming surgeries” and “gender affirming care”, which as of 2019 could run $100,000 or more per person, unlike mental health treatments for gender dysphoria which are not only much cheaper but covered by insurance in most if not all cases.
Here is my call to action on this matter:
Average Americans, you must put aside your fears, as the more of you who stand up against this evil pervading our society, the less power this small but inordinately influential cabal of mentally ill people will have over our nation. This could be attending counter protests of “all ages” drag events, protesting any civic awards given to transgenders in your community, attending local school boards as a bloc and voicing opposition to any of this in our curricula (yes, even if you home school it is important to speak out at local school boards), and sharing with your networks those companies who push the “diversity, equity, and inclusion” propaganda on their workforce and customers so that you can take your dollars elsewhere while informing those companies the exact reasons why you will no longer support them. Also, if possible, encourage your peers to begin calling all of this what it is, a mental illness that doctors must treat as such instead of coddled or delusions that the government/media/HR department requires you to indulge.
Finally, the most important thing you can do is this: get involved in the local primary elections! Be sure you do not allow the same limp-wristed “conservatives” an unchallenged opportunity to move forward into the general election unopposed. Unify behind a single opponent who makes addressing such issues a focus of their campaign. This may prove daunting at the federal level, but it is possible to kick out a fake conservative at the state and local levels – if you have the stomach to go with someone new.
For those who are in power, your time is nearing the end. You have squandered the power entrusted to you by millions of Americans over the last few decades – increasingly sold out our nation’s future in exchange for a small bump to your investment accounts. People are waking up to this fact across the political spectrum and they are growing angry at the constant lies, the stifling of our ability to dissent against any of this, the billions given to foreign nations while our own people suffer, and the deference you have given to this small militant group of people again and again while ignoring the voices and needs of your own constituents. January 6th should have served as a warning that you absolutely must begin listening to those you claim to represent – if you have the intellect to understand that.
To close, another warning and action item; half measures in the face of an unrelenting transgender tsunami will accomplish nothing in the end. True conservatives must call out this red meat dangling on a string to mollify their constituents as not enough, never enough! Push even harder than the trans movement to not only protect your children, but the very future of our nation.
If you fail to accomplish this, then in less than a decade, you will wake up one morning to discover that your child’s pedophile teacher is molesting your kid and you will have no legal recourse for that assault. Alternatively, you will learn the HR department has hired a pedophile to run your department at work, and who makes inappropriate sexual comments about the pictures of your children on your desk – and if you complain about it, you will be the one they fire.
Don’t believe me? Consider that is exactly where we were with homosexuality just under a decade ago, and where we are now on the transgender issue. You must understand that pedophilia is next on the list and they will succeed so long as you fail to push back now. Not tomorrow, not in a month or a year – now is the time to put a stop to this slippery slope progressing any further.