Military Adventures so great they became saints! A millinium ago, 3 great men traveled south and east and pushed the borders of Europe, and its religions with them.
Vladimir the Great , Prince of Kyiv, united the Rus realm, beat back the tartars, and made the Slavs Christian. Robert Guiscard traveled south and made his own Nors kingdom in the Mediterranean. Adhemar, the warrior bishop, launched the first Crusade and retook the Holy Land.
Gordon and Pavel have a relaxed and fun trip into the medieval times of high adventure and historical greatness.

#Great men of our history
“Vladimir, the great” – had 12 wives, eight hundred concubines – “That alone puts him into the history books as a great man” (Gordon) – “He killed her parents and took her by force” – That’s “great”?
That sounds like a beast, a tyrant , not Christian, not saintly at all… Anyone who admires such kind of “greatness” should not be the least surprised that eventually feminism came about… A total lack of dignity and respect in how women are treated opened the gates wide for Jewish subversion turning women against such “great men”… Patriarchy is seen as an oppressive, tyrannical system abusing women and children, a system of slavery…
Endless wars among brothers, sons, the princes of different mothers foughting and killing each other for power… “Great times” you would like to return to? A “great” time for warlords and womanizers…
Vladimir “changed the world” – an “impressive” legacy?
Beware – You guys turn female listeners into feminists!!!
Beware – You admire psychopaths who terrorized the world around them –
The world wars (psychopaths – the driving force behind) changed the world – FOR THE WORST! “The war to end all wars” (WWI) – “The Great War” (WWII) – Nothing “great or heroic” about it!
and BTW – “Islam” is not a religion. It is an ideology of conquest and submission – all made up by the Jew Mohammed by copying from the Babylonian Talmud – weaponizing the Arab masses against the Christians…
Pavel – master of censorship – again, a comment very much to your disliking
“Terror of the world” – “a great man” – are you out of your mind? Idealizing the worst of the worst
Oh, another whashed up feminist attention seeking and larping as a trad. Just go away, femoid.
#What makes a man “great”? What is “greatness”? What makes an empire “great”?
A lot could be said to answer such questions. Obviously, there is a lot of confusion among American guys – military and non-military. And there is a difference in mentality between America and Europe (sick of all the wars)!
Satire “Die Anstalt” (The Asylum – The lunatics have taken over the asylum!) – U.S. Foreign Politics in the Middle East… self-explanatory