Gordon is joined by friend of the pod, Rick (host of “The Smoke Pit”) to have a general discussion about the southern border, the Cartels, and the immigration situation in the United States more generally. This episode is uncensored, listener discretion is advised.
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Is anyone who listens to this show and is aware of Jewish power stupid enough to buy the phony distinction of foreign policy versus domestic policy? In the case of America, Jews clearly control both. What they are doing to Palestinians is what they are on track to do to Whites in America and worldwide. So if concern with Jewish power abroad is a “weird obsession” that your listeners can’t do anything about then so is immigration policy in America. And Trump can absolutely be expected to do whatever furthers Zionism, but that was pathetically obvious from his presidential campaign. The Palestinian student is a perfect instance of this, since Jews clearly want to use his case to eventually remove due process for any critics of their power, citizens and non-citizens alike. Seems like a no-brainer for Whites grasping at an American identity. But hey, much better to shrug off Jewish persecution of someone actually challenging their power as “welcome to reality.”
Are you sure you wouldn’t like to do reaction videos to episodes of Darkwing Duck, Gordon? It’s not about reality so Jews would never have to come up.
While I do not disagree with the thrust of your comment here, so long as we White Americans have no control over our political system, to include law enforcement and the judiciary especially, then no, there is nothing WE can do about anything the jews are doing to us. At least not within the political system they control. In other words, we don’t beat them at their game by playing the game by the rules they have allowed for us. I’m sure you can understand what I am hinting at here.
But regardless, there isn’t a critical mass to do anything outside the political sphere yet. This MAY change in the very near future as the Great Noticing continues to gain momentum.
That said, I haven’t listened to this episode yet personally, I’ll listen today at the gym. But from my talks with Gordon and Ricky in the past, I know I come from a different perspective than they do on a lot of these issues. I would like to see us fight and win, rather than stay online and meme post, or hunker down in some homestead bunker.
But people of our thinking are less than the number of trannies in the US – and the only reason they had so much power until recently is because corporate America saw benefit to propping them up. Do you think the jews who control Corporate America will see any benefit to propping up our movement and cause?
Fact is, we have NO cohesive leadership, our guys are spread thin with this or that group, and groups don’t work together. As I saw on X this morning, another problem is we DO NOT help one another out, whether it’s securing jobs for guys who need it, sharing money during times of need, promoting or buying our guy products and services, etc. We all think all this stuff should be done for free, and yes, a great many people in our cause are unpaid, but if this is their full time job, they need money for necessities, right? And even if it’s a part time job, travel and coordination for activism events isn’t free.
Basically, so long as we have a “this is just a hobby” mentality towards our cause, we deserve to lose. I don’t happen to view this as a hobby personally, and I doubt many do if they’re honest with themselves – and yet, they treat those of us who DO things in real life as if this should just be our hobby.
This nigga mad at a podcast
Negative feeling for Israel and “anti-semitism” more broadly is at its highest levels in decades. Pro-Zionism in government is an unfortunate reality that is, in my opinion, rapidly going to dwindle given demographic trends.
I do, in fact, think caring more about what’s happening at the border is a better use of time than caring if a Palestinian who doesn’t even like you gets deported.
Arabs who don’t like jews aren’t inherently pro-White. It’s a silly position. Jews are a problem, I agree. Their power is clearly not going to last past a generation or two, at least in its current form.
I support Palestine in its struggle against Israel and the jews, my question would be why is that guy here going to college and getting married instead of defending his home?
Who wants to bet that he isn’t involved in anything IRL?
More of this podcast plz. I know you’re busy dude but your delivery is so good. You really got this thing down. 2 a week and I’d kiss you.