A satirical weekly article highlighting fictious moments in Midwestern history By Silas P. Whitmore, February 28, 1881 There are many things a Midwesterner fears: a failed corn harvest, a neighbor’s disapproving glare at a potluck, and, worst of all, the tragic waste of good beer. And so it was, on a fateful winter’s day in…
Category: Articles
All articles submitted by Amerikaner Network contributors can be found in this category.
The Illusion of Dissent: A Third Positionist Analysis of the 50501 Protest
The recent protest in Sioux Falls against Donald Trump and Project 2025 was a revealing look at the state of modern activism. While there were a few genuine conversations and (from their perspective at least) well-intentioned participants, the majority of the event felt like a disorganized display of misplaced energy, driven more by parroted narratives than by deep understanding of the issues at hand.
Zweikampf: “Two-Struggle”
AJ (of “The Smoke Pit”) gives his thoughts on the recent video of a savage knife fight between two Russian and Ukrainian soldiers.
No degree of technological development or scientific calculation will diminish the human dimension in war. Any doctrine which attempts to reduce warfare to ratios of forces, weapons, and equipment neglects the impact of the human will on the conduct of war and is therefore inherently flawed.
Why America Needs a Populist Revolution Now
Reposted with permission from npmusa.substack.com For too long, the American people have been ignored, dismissed, and betrayed by the very leaders sworn to serve them. The social and political elites who dominate Washington, Wall Street, and the corporate boardrooms have systematically sold out the interests of our nation for their personal gain. While they thrive…
Weird Economy
Replacing your Lada in the late Soviet Union was impossible, but nobody really had a Lada anyway, and if you reliably had one you’d easily get another. Replacing the shitbox creates pressure. At least in the Soviet Union, healthcare was in theory free, albeit at the expense of having an economy that couldn’t produce toilet paper. In the US, we have similar dilemmas, toilet paper and wakandan kweens at the expense of an economy that can’t win a war. Why’d somebody cap a CEO presumably over insurance claims? The weird economic circumstances I described.
Lichtman’s 13 Keys To Subjective Reality
Allan Lichtman, notorious smarmy coastal “elite,” and ivory tower libtard tool pretends that his “13 Keys” system is the most accurate prediction model ever. And with an 80% accuracy since 2000, and 84% retrospective accuracy when applied to elections dating back to the 1800s, you’d think this is pretty good. But you’d be wrong. Let’s talk about it.
Roscoe Jones: From Chad To Sad
So, normally I wouldn’t publish something like this, since it’s just a nasty diatribe. However, I feel that, given the division in our community lately, it’s only fair to let these sorts of guys have their say, since it’s a common sentiment. Sorry, Roscoe, but I had to let the haters go all out, just this once.
Know More Heroes
There is a specter haunting the children’s sections of libraries and bookstores. I encountered it twice in the past week, first while trying to find a book on a recent political campaign, and then while I was visiting the library with my child. From my casual observation it appears that the shelves have been inundated with political biographies dressed up as children’s books.
Warhammer 40gay
Mongoose Kikimora returns with an essay about the recent changes to Warhammer 40k’s Lore as it dives deeper into an anti-White and anti-Fan state of being.
This piece was adapted from a series of effort posts written by Punished Magnus on the Amerikaner Telegram Channel in response to a different effort post made by John Fassbinder of the American Freedom Party. I have included both Mr. Fassbinder’s original post, for clarity, and Magnus’ essay.