In response to the recent brouhaha on the southern border, there have emerged two prevailing tendencies among the dissident sphere. The first was rapturous joy, the excitement of things “happening”, with the promise of more radical change or conflict to come. The second response was more cynical. “Nothing ever happens” is how these figures are portrayed by their enemies, but it might be closer to depict them as St. Thomas instead, insisting on sticking their fingers in the happening before believing in it.
Category: Articles
All articles submitted by Amerikaner Network contributors can be found in this category.
The Emptiness Of “Community”
The trend that I believe I have identified is the erosion and replacement of the concrete notion of “friends and family” with the more nebulous “community”. I see this trend in advertisements especially. Where marketing directed at selling products to children or promoting political activism to adults once highlighted the need to impress, compete with, convince, or simply enjoy the company of your friends and family, it strikes me that these have been replaced by a vague appeal to “community”.
The Indian Question
The changing fortunes of White Americans over the past decades means that the incident which was once seen as an embarrassing foible has become a bludgeon with which the real invaders of the continent use to abuse the native population they are displacing.
No one speaks of actually returning land or sovereignty to the tribes which have been allowed to exist in their ghettos across the continent. Rather, the only goal is to take things from Whitey.
Showing Up
We need to show up to take our families to our local community events, show up at the school board meetings, the Lions club pancake breakfasts, and the volenteer fire department fish fry. Join and bring your children to a local church, even if it isn’t a perfect one. If you have a business, go to the chamber of commerce meetings, even if most of your peers are TV-brained boomers. Be a part of your local community, find friends that live close to you, even if their ideology isn’t there yet, or never will be.
Grant Reads: The Mandibles
The Mandibles: A Family, 2029-2047″ by Lionel Shriver is a valuable primer for economic collapse. The chief value of this novel, I found, is less in the details about the how an economic collapse could happen (a Mexican is elected President of the United States and repudiates the country’s debt in response to the dollar’s displacement as the world’s reserve currency), although there is plenty there to spark the curiosity of an interested reader.
How Minnesota Got Her New Flag
While others have covered the symbolism of the new flag and seal for the state of Minnesota elsewhere, I believe that it would be illuminating for Heartlanders to understand how the new design will be implemented, and who was in charge of making the decision to jettison the state’s history and culture to satisfy a minority of perennially unhappy grievance-mongers.
The Floyd Saga
This piece was submitted via email by a resident of Minneapolis who wishes to remain anonymous. It is a sort of “Street History” of the George Floyd / Derek Chauvin debacle, which reads like a Film Noir and implies a truly impressive level of corruption and criminality at all levels of city government and policing.
Objectivism Is Dumb
A scathing critique of Ayn Rand’s philosophy of Objectivsm, as written by the master polemicist, Myles Poland of “The Godcast”.
Be Ware and Be Aware: Some tips that could save your life
A brief article with tips and advice to help you and your family remain safe.
Minority Rule
Recently, I visited Couer d’Alene, Idaho with my friend Alex (of “The Smoke Pit”). Alex is not his real name, of course (it’s James, for the record), but that was the name he used while a part of Patriot Front, and the name he was using when he was unlawfully and unjustly arrested in that town one year ago, for the “crime” of attempting to peacefully protest a lewd drag show being performed in front of a crowd of children.