An open letter to one of Riggin Scheer’s critics after his public doxing a few months ago.
Category: Articles
All articles submitted by Amerikaner Network contributors can be found in this category.
Meet Kristofer Goldsmith, Disgraced Anti-White Propagandist
Goldsmith is a virulent anti-White propagandist, and the founder of “Task Force Butler,” a 501c3 nonprofit whose mission is “to identify, expose, and interrupt organized extremist gangs and their illegal activities.” Goldsmith is also a proud jew, suggesting a racial and ethnic hatred fueling his activities. Task Force Butler has largely been unsuccessful, and this is likely due to the incompetence of Mr. Goldsmith himself.
The Midwest Network
Recently, I shared a post on the official Telegram channel for about a new coalition called The Midwest Network. In the interest of spreading awareness about this worthy cause, I have decided to share some of their most recent posts here in article format.
Book Review – The Origins Of The Second World War by A.J.P. Taylor
A review of AJP Taylor’s book “The Origins Of The Second World War”.
The Wokest Story Never Told
A thought experiment on how the US Regime might be able to use its current ideals to lionize an unlikely historical foe, in the name of engaging in yet another pointless war.
How to Create an Anonymous Telegram Account
Another brief primer on how to set up an anonymous Telegram account, by Quiet Quoll.
Myles Poland Responds To Thomas Dalton
A polemic response to the recent Thomas Dalton article “Jesus The Jew” written by Myles Poland (of “The Godcast”).
A Pastoral Response To “Jesus the Jew”
A response by Super Lutheran (of “The Godcast”) to Thomas Dalton’s recent article “Jesus The Jew” from a Pastoral perspective.
Hey Look, Stickers!
I am proud to announce that now has stickers available for purchase! Made entirely by our people from start to finish, there are four different designs available. I will be selling these stickers on the Amerikaner Gumroad and through our PO Box!
A direct and blunt admonition of the Movement and where we currently stand in relation to the greater society.