Gordon returns with what is likely the last of his travel monologues before he returns to the warm embrace of being a productive member of society. He talks about his time in California and the American Southwest, opines about Regionalism, and ends with a hopeful note about the future.
Category: Achtung! Amerikaner
Achtung! Amerikaner is a dissident right podcast for “fly-over country,” including the midwest, the great plains, the rust belt, and other forgotten areas of the US. We cover a variety of topics related to these areas, and hope to one day interview members of the dissident right from every fly-over state to learn more about their situations and, more importantly, what they are doing to prepare themselves and their communities for the harsh days ahead.
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The Magnus Minute – Relationships From The Feminine Perspective
The Magnus Minute is proud to present Part I of a two-part series on Sex, Dating, and Relationships. Magnus is joined by 3 married couples from within the pro-White movement to discuss the why’s and wherefore’s of modern Romance. In part one we sit down with Pearl, Kate, and Allyson to get answers to that age-old question: What do Women even want? Our 3 panelists give their take on the dating game, give us the female perspective on men, and give tips to young women looking to find a good man on the edge of the apocalypse.
Gordon And Rick On The Road (Explicit)
Gordon and Rick (of “The Smoke Pit”) have a rambling conversation as they explore the Mojave Desert – from the Hoover Dam, the recent situation at the border, to the intricate lore of Conan The Barbarian, join these two desert nomads as they discuss what is best in life.
Due to Rick imbibing a potion of heroism while recording this, listener discretion is advised.
Achtung! After Dark – #FreeMrBond
On January 20th, 2021, “Mr. Bond,” an Austrian Nationalist and maker of pro-National-Socialist parody rap songs and other music, was imprisoned for an unprecedented 10 years simply for the content of his lyrics.
Secu and Linney of #FreeMrBond join Magnus and Gordon Kahl for a special interview/update to discuss the journey thus far regarding Mr. Bond’s unjust and heinous imprisonment, with notes of action that YOU can take yourself to help our brother Bond, and other political prisoners in his situation, and a upcoming project that’s been in the works for some time now!
Standoff At The Rio Grande
Gordon is joined by Magnus (of “The Pressure Suit Podcast”) and Rick (of “The Smoke Pit”) as well as, finally, Grug, to discuss the recent situation at the Rio Grande – specifically, the dispute about razor wire barricades being placed on the shore of the river by the Texas National Guard. This episode was recorded on January 22nd, 2024, and the situation has already escalated – please be aware some of the topics discussed may be out of date as things change on the ground. We will provide an update if an opportunity presents itself.
Elections Are Bad For Democracy Now?
Gordon and Magnus engage in the time-honored pasttime of owning the libs by tearing apart the Bloomberg article “2024 Is the Year of Elections and That’s a Threat to Democracy” – a typical example of libtard hypocrisy and handwringing combined with cringe-inducing attempts to sound relevant to young people.
Happy Little Homestead
Gordon has a conversation with friend of the show, Hans, about the basics of starting up a homestead – from growing herbs in the window of your one bedroom apartment to raising chickens and ducks on an acreage, they attempt to give a broad overview of the best ways to start off on the right track, and how to avoid common pitfalls.
Gordon Goes Coastie
Gordon is back with yet another Travel Monologue – this time freshly returned to sacred Midwestern Soil after a trip to the dark woods of the northeast… Which are actually mostly filled with very fine people (and some not so fine). Gordon goes into detail about his journey through Pennsylvania and New England, and finishes off with a somewhat fiery (but mostly peaceful) declaration about the state of the world.
Civil War 2
Gordon is joined by Super Lutheran (“The Godcast”), as well as Rick and AJ (“The Smokepit”) to discuss the growing trend in popular media of depicting a United States wracked by modern civil war, and to try to discern how such a war, or civil unrest, might take place in the near future.
The Epstein List
In a follow up to last week’s episode covering the recent sex scandals in DC, Gordon and Magnus are joined by Jack (of The Paranormies) to discuss the recent leak of the “Epstein List,” or rather, the courtroom depositions that allege the identities and activities of those associated with the (presumed) deceased jewish-supremacist and child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein.